Flexistaff Solutions Ltd


Paper in the Warehouse: It’s time for a change!

Whilst the warehousing world has come a long way following technological advances, there’s still a surprising number of warehouses relying on good old-fashioned pen and paper. However, this practise could be costing organisations a lot of money each year…

Although most companies have some sort of computer based warehouse management system in place, often companies aren’t using these systems to their full advantage and are sticking to pen and paper for some of their processes.

The benefits of an all-encompassing warehouse management system are clear. Not only are they cost saving, but they are also proven to hugely improve efficiency in a warehouse. So why aren’t some managers buying?

Given the busy nature of a warehouse, it may be that some managers simply feel they do not have the time to invest in a system that will mean training sometimes hundreds of employees. Initially installation will clearly impact the effectiveness and output of the warehouse.

However, with eCommerce revolutionising the way consumers behave, managers will need to plan to invest and install a system that can ensure their business keeps up with the competition. Pen and soon won’t be enough.

For more information on our warehouse vacancies or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

Stand out and step up your job search

There are plenty of ways to search and find a job, but with job searching being a big task, how can jobseekers ensure they go about it the right way? Find out below.

Use job boards in their entirety. Not only can you use the online job boards to search for all jobs available, most offer tailoring solutions to target your search effectively, so you can search for jobs based on salary, location, education level, and more. Plus you can set up daily email alerts, so the job adverts you’re looking for are sent straight to your inbox. Perfect!

What’s the job title? You may be searching for a specific role, but bear in mind that different companies may name a similar or same job role in different ways. Consider this in your search to make sure you don’t miss that perfect opportunity.

What sector? When filling in your profile on a job board site, make sure you don’t limit your preferred sectors, as this could lead to your CV being overlooked when hiring managers or recruiters search for CVs. Keep it broad.

Adjust as necessary. You may find that your searches can lead to irrelevant results, or that a search stops bringing up the type of jobs you’re looking for. Make sure you adjust your searches accordingly so you don’t miss out.

For more information about job searching and our current vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 0844 5562916 or [email protected].

Forklift Driver Shortage – Start your Forklift Driving career TODAY!

There’s been lots of coverage on the news about the HGV driver shortage – but unfortunately there’s also a shortage of forklift drivers too at the same time, meaning even more of the supply chain is under pressure.

Forklift drivers are in demand more than ever before due to a variety of reasons, and this demand is likely to continue as demand for a fast-paced supply chain grows. As we know, forklifts are a vital component of every warehouse, and without an adequate number of forklift drivers’ warehouses can’t operate at full capacity.

Whilst this all sounds a bit bleak, the good news is that the demand for forklift operators means that a career in forklift operation is a stable career path offering excellent benefits. The rise in wages means that if you’re considering a career change into forklift operation, now is the time. Flexistaff also works with the Forklift Truck Training Centre, who can provide all the forklift training you’ll need to kick start your career today.

For more information about our latest vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

What to do when an Interview goes badly

We’ve all come out of an interview at some point in our lives wishing the ground would swallow us up! It can be hard to take when an interview doesn’t go to plan – So what should you do when an interview goes badly?

Relax! Immediately after you must give yourself some time to relax and de-stress. Spend some time doing the things you enjoy and try to take your mind off it for a while.

Assess the situation. Try to consider what went wrong in the interview, and try not to overreact – mistakes happen, and those mistakes that seem big to you might not in reality be that significant to others.

Take time to learn. Once you’ve considered your mistakes, learn from them. Plan what you’ll do differently next time, but also remember the positives too.

Follow it up. Send an email to your interviewer, thanking them for their time and adding in any points you think you may have missed in the interview – but keep it brief and to the point.

Keep on going. Don’t give up on your job search – keep looking for that ideal opportunity!

For more information about our latest vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

Have you got what it takes to work in a warehouse?

Working in a warehouse can be challenging at times. It’s a fast paced, highly pressured environment, which demands a wide range of skills. So might you be suited to working in a warehouse?

Adaptability is key. Warehouse work means you’ll likely find yourself in a variety of different environments, both hot and cold, inside and outside. Good warehouse workers are prepared to adapt to changing environments and demands.

Don’t forget the customer. Warehouse work might seem behind the scenes, away from the customer, but there’s times where you’ll need to be customer facing, representing your company. Make sure you’re ready to offer great customer service where needed.

Do you have problem solving skills? Whilst warehouse work can seem fairly consistent, with consumers becoming ever more demanding you may find new challenges when it comes to delivering a service. Good problem-solving skills and imitative are a must.

Think training. Whilst most companies offer training, good warehouse workers ensure their training is up to date at all times, so make sure you’re compliant, because it’s your responsibility to be safe too.

For more information about our warehouse vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your warehouse, contact us on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

Get ready for your January job search NOW!

It’s not long now until the big day, and whilst it’s an exciting and busy time, job seekers must continue to prioritise their job search. It may feel like now’s not the time to be looking for a new job – nothing could be further from the truth! Here’s our top tips.

New year, new career? New year often leaves people wanting a new start, a fresh challenge – and a new job is the perfect way to shake things up. Companies will start recruiting more in January too, and with a brand new feeling of optimism, January certainly feels like the time to start your job search.

But wait! If everyone is waiting until January to start looking for a new job, you could find your applications lost amongst an overcrowded playing field. Which is why NOW is the time to get organised.

Don’t wait until January – In amongst the Christmas chaos, tidy up your CV, keep an eye on the job boards and keep applying. Get ahead of the game to guarantee 2022 success!

For more information about our latest vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact Flexistaff on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

Organising your multi drop route this Christmas

When it comes to multi drop driving roles, efficiency and timing is key to keeping customers happy. Especially at Christmas! Therefore, it’s vital that the route of the delivery driver is well managed and planned.

These days there are a number of software options companies can use to streamline their processes. It’s worth investing in these; with multiple vehicles tasked with multiple drops, rerouting and rescheduling technology can make a huge difference to cost and efficiency.

Routing software can plan the best routes for drivers, ensuring that travel times, distances and fuel costs are kept to an absolute minimum. Each journey may only save the organisation a few pennies, but over years this can make a significant difference to profits.

Another plus point with routing software is the communication. Today’s customer is demanding; eCommerce has meant that customers expect good communication and an excellent service every time. Routing software has the capability of keeping your customer in the loop about their delivery at all times.

So why don’t you invest and make your multi drops efficient this Christmas?

For more information about our latest driving vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact Flexistaff on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

How can you find your ideal job in 2022?

So it’s nearly here! It’s almost 2022 and some will be using the time between Christmas and New Year for updating their CV ahead of a brand new job search for the New Year – if you haven’t started about your job search for the new year already! So how can you make sure you find your ideal job in 2022?

Get motivated! It’s time to decide where your passion lies when it comes to work. Aim high; now’s the time to make a fresh start, so make it count and decide what type of job you want for 2022 – and beyond!

Is it really all about the money? If you can, try not to make money your main motivator in 2022. By focussing purely on the salary you’re after, you may miss an opportunity that’s just right for you, or worse still, end up in a role that makes you unhappy.

Get networking. It’s time to make contact again with recruiters (like yours truly!) to find out about market trends and to be kept up to date with new opportunities. Think about contacting people and making new connections via social media too.

Be brave! Looking for a new job can be a big step and it can be a difficult decision, so think carefully, and take a leap of faith when you’re sure. It’s just the beginning of an exciting new adventure!

For more career advice in 2022, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

Is it time to replace your forklift?

With the warehouse usually being incredibly busy, the need for a replacement forklift can sometimes be overlooked. It’s important to replace forklifts when they need to be as soon as possible however to ensure no time and money is lost. Here’s the signs to watch out for.

What’s the maintenance cost per hour? If you’re finding that maintenance costs for your forklift is starting to creep up, it’s time to consider a replacement. Even a newer model, with the upfront cost, will ultimately be cheaper than growing maintenance costs on an older model.

Is it working – every time? Typically as forklifts become older they experience malfunctions, such hydraulic lifts and forks malfunctions. If these problems are becoming more regular, it’s time to look for something new – Not only will you save money on repairs everyone working in the warehouse will be safer too.

How often are you using it? Do you find the same forklift is left standing still more often than not? Chances are that’s because it’s not effective and therefore needs to be replaced.

For more information about our latest warehouse and forklift opportunities, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact Flexistaff on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

The do’s and don’ts of handing in your notice

It’s inevitable that once you’ve secured a brand new job you’ll have to hand in your notice to your current employer. People can find this difficult and sometimes don’t know the best way to go about this – take a look at our top tips below.

Speak to your employer face to face. If you don’t share the news face to face it can seem dismissive, so make sure you schedule time with your employer and deliver the news in person.

Offer your support. Your employer more than likely will need to hire a new person as your replacement, so where possible offer your help in the hiring and training process. Continue to support your colleagues and remain on task.

Be prepared for the counter offer. Your employer may ask you to stay, offering more money and better prospects. Consider this carefully; more often than not accepting a counter offer isn’t a good idea, so make sure you know what you want and how you will respond to this.

Keep it friendly. You never know if or when you might meet old colleagues or managers again throughout your career, so stay friendly and helpful during your last few weeks in employment – at the very least, your current employer will be asked for a reference!

For more advice on job seeking and to discuss our latest vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact Flexistaff 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

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