Flexistaff Solutions Ltd


Tackling stress for forklift operators

Forklift jobs are by no means easy jobs. Even with safety measures improving and equipment becoming more sophisticated working in a fast pace warehouse environment can be stressful. So what are the major challenges to forklift work, and how can you combat workplace stress?

What’s the temperature? Often forklift drivers are required to work in changing temperatures, whether it’s outside, inside or in freezer environments. This can be both physically and mentally stressful – make sure you’ve put the right safeguards in place, so forklift operators don’t feel the effects of changing temperatures too harshly.

Looming deadlines. Forklift operators usually work in fast paced environments with strict deadlines, meaning there’s a temptation to rush and potentially cause accidents. Managing workload and deadlines effectively is vital to avoid deadline stress.

Training needs. Training can sometimes feel like an afterthought or another stress for forklift operators. By using our partner organisation The Forklift Truck Training Centre you can remove all the stress out of training and make the process as easy as possible.

For more information about our forklift vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

How can you build a successful career in warehousing?

Working in a warehouse provides an opportunity for a long and successful career. With demand in warehousing on the way up, now is the time to build a successful career in the warehouse. But where to start?

Take every opportunity to build your skills. If training is offered, take it. Find opportunities to develop your skills in communication and problem solving. You may also need to operate machinery – attention to detail is crucial.

Stay up to date with the trends. The warehouse and logistics sector is growing and developing all the time – by keeping up to date with the latest trends you can ensure you perform your role to the best of your ability.

Build relationships. Networking and meeting industry professionals is a great way to find new opportunities in the future to build your career. Find professional sector recruiters (like us!) you can partner with too to find new opportunities when you’re ready to progress.

For more information about our latest driving vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected]

What should you wear to your next interview?

Interviews are the gateway to a new opportunity – and it’s important to make a good impression. One thing you need to consider carefully is what to wear to your next interview. So what should you wear to your next interview to stand out and make a good impression?

Find out first. There’s no harm in asking the person arranging the interview what the dress code is for the interview in question – if you arrive to the interview in a suit but everyone else is in their warehouse kit you might feel a bit out of place! Asking for guidance on this is perfectly fine.

Does it match? Stick to a maximum of two to three different colours and consider things like your bag, umbrella, your coat – they are all part of your ensemble and where possible should also compliment a cohesive look.

Where what you already own. The danger of buying something new for an interview is that it may not fit, or look and feel right! Where clothes you feel confident and comfortable in.

Prepare in advance! Make sure your chosen clothes are washed and ironed well before the big day. The (not so) secret to success is preparation!

For more information about our latest driving vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

What are the benefits of electrical vehicles?

The logistics industry is changing; many companies are starting to invest in new vehicles run on electricity. Although petrol and diesel vehicles won’t be retired just yet, it’s clear that there are plenty of benefits to using electrical vehicles and companies need to start thinking about investing. So what are the benefits?

They’re cheaper to run. OK, so the initial cost of an electric vehicle may be higher than a standard vehicle, however electric vehicles are much cheaper to run, with electric costing nowhere near as much as petrol or diesel.

They’re cheaper to repair. Given the design of an electric vehicle, they have fewer moving parts and as such are easier and cheaper to maintain.

You’re saving the planet! One of the biggest benefits of electric vehicles is that they are friendly to the environment. OK so this may not seem important, but global warming is an issue and companies must take responsibility.

They’re safer. Given the fact that electric vehicles aren’t carrying traditional fuel, should there be a collision, there’s a reduced risk of fire or explosion.

Electric is the future!

For more information about our latest driving vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

The importance of giving a little back

Life is busy, that’s for sure! Flexistaff operates nationwide in warehousing and logistics, so we’re used to the fast-paced nature of the sector. Demand is growing and consumer expectation is higher than ever; however, it’s important to remember to give a bit back.

Here at Flexistaff we pride ourselves on supporting our local community as well as the organisations we work with on a daily basis. Keech Hospice is based locally to Flexistaff in Luton; we’ve raised money in the past to support the vital work they do. Over the years we’ve also supported many local and national causes, including raising money to fight breast cancer and for crucial funding for the British Heart Foundation.

To us here at Flexistaff, it’s important we play a part in our local community and give a little back to important causes. It’s something that it really important to many of our candidates and our clients too. Increasingly organisations are playing a more active role in their local communities, which we think is great!

What are the causes most important to you locally?

For more information about our latest vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

How can you encourage equality in the workplace?

We are lucky enough to live in an equal and diverse community, and it’s really important to make sure our workplaces reflect those values. Equality and diversity must be top priorities for any and all organisations – but how can you encourage equality and diversity in your organisation?

Start from day one – hiring. Make sure the wording in your job descriptions doesn’t discriminate or use stereotypical language. Also, removing the names of candidates from CVs so you’re assessing as person purely on their skills can be a helpful way to encourage equality and banish any unconscious bias.

Make equality and diversity everyone’s business. It’s vital that you create a working environment where people feel they can speak out if they have concerns – it’s incredibly important that everyone feels listened to and respected.

Bring other voices in! Lead from the front, but make sure that the organisation hears from other people external to the organisation about equality and diversity. Encouraging other viewpoints and other voices will encourage people to engage with this very important issue.

Flexistaff cares passionately about encouraging an equal and diverse working environment, both within our own organisation and supporting our clients.

For more information about our job opportunities, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

The benefits of keeping your warehouse in top shape

Clear home, clear mind, that’s how the saying goes. It’s the same in the workplace, most notably in the warehouse – it’s so important to make cleaning and organising the warehouse a priority. Here’s why.

Safety first and foremost. A clattered and disorganised warehouse can lead to an increased risk of accidents, which does no one any good. Not only could someone trip or fall, but if shelves are left messy something could fall onto colleagues as well. Don’t take the risk – keep it tidy!

It’s all about keeping an effective inventory! If you don’t have order, over stocking and over ordering can cause you no end of problems – keeping everything neat and ordered, including your inventory, will ensure this is no longer a problem.

Increased productivity and morale. If things are kept in order, it’s easier to find items and keep everything running smoothly. It also goes without saying that the team will feel more motivated in an ordered environment, and will feel better about working in a warehouse kept clean and tidy.

For more information about our warehouse opportunities, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

Work Well During Summer

It’s coming up to that time of year! Now the clocks have gone forward, it’s only a matter of time before we can all enjoy those long summer days. However, for those working outside, in physically demanding roles or on the road, the summer months can be an uncomfortable time to work in. So beat the heat with these top tips!

Keep hydrated. Make a habit of carrying bottled water with you where possible and try to drink as regularly as possible. It’s easy to forget to drink plenty of water, especially in the warehouse, or when driving long distances. So keep your water close by at all times!

Take a break! If the conditions are hotter than normal, it can be difficult to work at the same pace, especially if there’s no air conditioning! Pace yourself and take a break if necessary.

Stay safe in the sun! If you work outside, it’s easy to forget that during the summer months the sun can be dangerous. Don’t forget to apply sun cream at the start of your day, and during the day if necessary.

What time is it? If possible, you should try to stay out of the sun as much as possible between 12pm – 3pm, as this is when the sun is highest in the sky and can cause the most damage.

For more information about our latest vacancies or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

Is your vehicle overloaded?

If you drive for a living, you’ll understand that it can sometimes be a highly pressured position, with demand for fast delivery now higher than ever.

However, van overloading can be a huge risk the driver and other drivers on the road. And yet, 9 out of 10 vehicles were found by the DVSA to be overloaded and therefore a risk to themselves and others on the road.

Vehicle manufacturers are trying to respond to the risk as best they can, with early collision warning systems becoming ever more sophisticated.

Whilst manufacturers are investing into new and more advanced safety technology, these advances are almost redundant if drivers don’t comply with weight specifications. Companies must actively remind all drivers of the risk and ensure correct procedures are followed.

Smaller vans remain unregulated when it comes to load, so organisations must take responsibility and promote good practise.

For more information about our driving vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

Should your return to a former employer?

It’s not often a situation most people come across, but from time to time job seekers might find themselves considering a return to a former employer. Is this ever a good idea? And how should you manage the situation?

Is it possible? We’d always recommend you leave any employer on good terms, and this is why. If you are considering a return to a former employer, you must have left without burning any bridges. If you left due to a family matter, career progression, relocation or education, there’s no reason why you can’t introduce yourself again.

Do your research. Things may have changed – or they may not have. It’s worth researching the organisation for information as if they were a new potential employer. Think of your experience with your former employer; sometimes the grass is greener on the other side, sometimes not.

What about your network? Has anyone else returned to the organisation that you know? Are there people still working there that you used to work with? Talk to them to find out more about the current situation.

Your return might be different. Be prepared for the fact that you could return to an employer without the same benefits you enjoyed previously. But equally, the benefits package might have improved since you left!

Returning to a former employer is an important decision, so take your time to do so!

For more information about our latest vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

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