Date: January 2023
Modern Slavery Statement
Flexistaff Solutions Limited: Is a limited company operating in the recruitment industry. We offer worker findings services within, industrial, warehouse, automotive, driving, commercial and food processing and packaging sectors.
Our business recognises that we have a responsibility to implement and follow processes to prevent Modern Slavery.
- Flexistaff Solutions Ltd is committed to eliminating modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, and similar human rights abuses.
- Flexistaff Solution Ltd is committed to ensuring that its staff and any workers it supplies (directly or indirectly) are not subject to behaviour or threats that may amount to modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, and similar human rights abuses.
- Flexistaff Solutions Ltd provides appropriate training and awareness information for all its staff.
In particular:
- Our managers receive detailed training in identifying and resolving concerns around modern slavery and human trafficking.
- Our HR personnel undertake training which includes guidance around modern slavery and human trafficking, as well as other wider human rights issues.
- All our staff receives awareness-raising information around issues involving modern slavery and human trafficking, so that they can bring any concerns they have to the attention of management.
- Flexistaff Solutions Ltd are proud members of the REC (Recruitment & Employment Confederation), the REC Drivers Section, the RHA (Road Haulage Association) the GLAA (Gangmaster and Labour Abuse Authority), the ALP (Association of Labour Providers) and Stronger Together. We adhere strictly to their good code of ethics and practice.
- Any staff, workers or other parties are strongly encouraged to report any concerns or suspicions that they might have to their managers or HR.
- All staff within our organisation are trained to help eliminate Modern Slavery within the sector. Flexistaff Solutions Ltd pays all workers through our own on-site payroll department to ensure that payments are made correctly, properly and that unauthorized deductions and fees are not taken. We work within the parameters of HMRC and upload our payments directly through RTI (Real Time Information)
All potential candidates are seen in person and the bank accounts for payment are in their name.
- Reports surrounding these issues are taken extremely seriously by Flexistaff Solutions Ltd who are committed to ensuring that all investigations shall be prompt and effective. If our investigations reveal any issues, we are committed to taking appropriate action, including but not limited to:
- Working with the appropriate organisations to improve standards,
- Removing that organisation from our preferred supplier list,
- Passing details to appropriate law enforcement bodies.
- We regularly monitor our risks in this area using relevant key performance indicators, including:
- The percentage of suppliers who sign up to an appropriate code / provide their own modern slavery statements,
- The amount of time spent on audits, re-audits, spot checks, and related due diligence, and
- The level of modern slavery training and awareness amongst our staff.
- As part of our efforts in this area, we publish a modern slavery statement on an annual basis.
- In addition to our Modern Slavery policy we also have the following policies in conjunction with this policy
- Anti-bribery / corruption policy,
- Whistleblowing policy
- Sustainability and Ethical Procurement Policy
Paula Gaffey – Associate Director HR and Compliance
Review Date: January 2024