Flexistaff Solutions Ltd

Archives April 2023

The importance of giving a little back

Life is busy, that’s for sure! Flexistaff operates nationwide in warehousing and logistics, so we’re used to the fast-paced nature of the sector. Demand is growing and consumer expectation is higher than ever; however, it’s important to remember to give a bit back.

Here at Flexistaff we pride ourselves on supporting our local community as well as the organisations we work with on a daily basis. Keech Hospice is based locally to Flexistaff in Luton; we’ve raised money in the past to support the vital work they do. Over the years we’ve also supported many local and national causes, including raising money to fight breast cancer and for crucial funding for the British Heart Foundation.

To us here at Flexistaff, it’s important we play a part in our local community and give a little back to important causes. It’s something that it really important to many of our candidates and our clients too. Increasingly organisations are playing a more active role in their local communities, which we think is great!

What are the causes most important to you locally?

For more information about our latest vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

How can you encourage equality in the workplace?

We are lucky enough to live in an equal and diverse community, and it’s really important to make sure our workplaces reflect those values. Equality and diversity must be top priorities for any and all organisations – but how can you encourage equality and diversity in your organisation?

Start from day one – hiring. Make sure the wording in your job descriptions doesn’t discriminate or use stereotypical language. Also, removing the names of candidates from CVs so you’re assessing as person purely on their skills can be a helpful way to encourage equality and banish any unconscious bias.

Make equality and diversity everyone’s business. It’s vital that you create a working environment where people feel they can speak out if they have concerns – it’s incredibly important that everyone feels listened to and respected.

Bring other voices in! Lead from the front, but make sure that the organisation hears from other people external to the organisation about equality and diversity. Encouraging other viewpoints and other voices will encourage people to engage with this very important issue.

Flexistaff cares passionately about encouraging an equal and diverse working environment, both within our own organisation and supporting our clients.

For more information about our job opportunities, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

The benefits of keeping your warehouse in top shape

Clear home, clear mind, that’s how the saying goes. It’s the same in the workplace, most notably in the warehouse – it’s so important to make cleaning and organising the warehouse a priority. Here’s why.

Safety first and foremost. A clattered and disorganised warehouse can lead to an increased risk of accidents, which does no one any good. Not only could someone trip or fall, but if shelves are left messy something could fall onto colleagues as well. Don’t take the risk – keep it tidy!

It’s all about keeping an effective inventory! If you don’t have order, over stocking and over ordering can cause you no end of problems – keeping everything neat and ordered, including your inventory, will ensure this is no longer a problem.

Increased productivity and morale. If things are kept in order, it’s easier to find items and keep everything running smoothly. It also goes without saying that the team will feel more motivated in an ordered environment, and will feel better about working in a warehouse kept clean and tidy.

For more information about our warehouse opportunities, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

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