Flexistaff Solutions Ltd

Archives July 2022

Have you booked your CPC training yet? Time is running out!

The deadline for the majority of drivers for 35 hours of CPC training required every five years is 9th September 2024. It feels like a long way off, doesn’t it?

It’s not! At time of writing, its just 772 days. It’s probably less than that now you’re reading this.

It can feel tempting to leave the training for another day later on, with so much going on and logistics under huge demand. But the longer you leave it, the harder it could be to book your training when the time comes.

In 2019, the last time the majority of drivers needed to complete their training, many training providers had to turn drivers and companies away with demand being so high, leaving drivers unable to work and companies unable to operate.

This is a legal requirement. If you leave it to the last minute, and then can’t book your training days, you won’t be able to continue to drive.

Don’t delay! Book your training days today with our sister company WeTrainCPC

We can provide training in our Milton Keynes based training centre or online – £50+VAT per module.

For more information about our latest training opportunities or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

Make the Most of your next Job Fair

Job fairs are a great place to sell yourself as a job seeker and find out more about available jobs. Now, as we learn to live with Covid-19, we’re meeting each other again in the real world and job fairs are becoming a popular way to find new employees. How can you make sure you make the most of each job fair you attend?

Plan ahead. Most job fairs will advertise prior to the event which employers and agencies will be attending. It’s vital you research those companies of interest to you and plan your time effectively so you’ll be able to visit their stalls.

Get your CV ready. Make sure your CV is up to date and take plenty of copies with you to give to potential employers whilst you’re speaking with them – it gives representatives a great snapshot of your experience.

What are your wearing? Dress as if you’re attending a job interview. It’s likely employers will see you before they speak with you, so make sure you make a good impression.

Be professional. Much like your dress code, treat the job fair as if you would an interview. Make sure you’re polite and professional to everyone you meet – who knows, they might be your next boss!

Gather information where possible. Ask for business cards, information and contact details where possible and follow up the job fair with a call or email to the organisation to express your interest.

For more information about our latest vacancies, contact Flexistaff on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

What’s the best way to unload a truck using a forklift?

We all know the huge benefits of using forklifts in and around the warehouse, including when unloading goods from trucks. But if you’re not paying attention or being diligent, mistakes can happen that are both costly and dangerous. Here’s what to look out for when unloading a truck using your forklift.

Trailer curtain. Before you start make sure the curtain has been pulled back in full to ensure proper access to all pallets.

Straps. Make sure all ratchet straps and harnesses have been fully removed before you attempt to move anything, making sure pallets can move freely.

Back to front. Generally speaking, goods should be unloaded from the back of the truck to the front, unless you are directed otherwise. Tall or double stacked pallets are usually stored at the front where they can be supported by the truck body.

Watch the roof! And the truck sides of course. When you’re unloading tall or wide products knocking into the side of the truck can cause product damage.

For more information about our latest forklift vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 084556 2916 or [email protected].

What to do in your last week at work

The last week at work before you start a new job is odd, there’s no escaping it. Clearly there’s no point in you starting anything new, and it’s easy to feel demotivated and ready to get away from your old employer. But what should you make sure you do in your last week at work to have the best impact for yourself and your soon to be previous employer?

Stay on track. At this late stage, it can be easy to put less effort in – But don’t forget you may still be relying on your old employer for a reference! Continue to work hard and be a team player.

Check your handover. A handover document is always going to be useful to the company you leave behind – Be diligent in putting it together and try to be as helpful as possible.

Build connections. You never know when you might call on old colleagues or managers in your career in the future; gather contact details where possible, be polite, remain hard working, and ensure you continue to make a good impression.

Be dignified. Although you might be counting down the minutes until you leave, a little humility goes a long way! Be kind and helpful at all times.

For more information about our latest vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

What to expect when driving on rural roads

Roads come in all shapes and sizes! And at times, LGV drivers will find themselves faced with driving on VERY rural roads! Roads like this can be very different from motorways – here’s what to expect when driving on rural roads.

The roads can be narrow! Narrow roads can make it difficult to see around corners and to pass oncoming traffic safely. And sometimes narrow roads can be deceptively so! Take it slow and use your height as a benefit to see over bushes where possible.

Subsidence. Rural roads are often the victim of less maintenance and given they are in less built up areas over time roads will subside, leading to potholes and uneven surfaces. Try to stay away from the edges of rural roads where possible but thankfully for most LGVs general potholes and uneven surfaces won’t cause too much trouble.

Mud. Oh yes! As rural roads are often used by tractors and other farming vehicles they’ll often pull mud onto the road, leaving surfaces slippery. In poor weather conditions take extra care when driving across muddy surfaces.

Lack of lighting and road marks. Rural roads have far fewer road markings and lighting than most urban roads and motorways, so be aware of this and stay alert when driving at night.

For more information about our latest driving jobs, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact us on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

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