Flexistaff Solutions Ltd

Archives November 2021

Is it time to replace your forklift?

With the warehouse usually being incredibly busy, the need for a replacement forklift can sometimes be overlooked. It’s important to replace forklifts when they need to be as soon as possible however to ensure no time and money is lost. Here’s the signs to watch out for.

What’s the maintenance cost per hour? If you’re finding that maintenance costs for your forklift is starting to creep up, it’s time to consider a replacement. Even a newer model, with the upfront cost, will ultimately be cheaper than growing maintenance costs on an older model.

Is it working – every time? Typically as forklifts become older they experience malfunctions, such hydraulic lifts and forks malfunctions. If these problems are becoming more regular, it’s time to look for something new – Not only will you save money on repairs everyone working in the warehouse will be safer too.

How often are you using it? Do you find the same forklift is left standing still more often than not? Chances are that’s because it’s not effective and therefore needs to be replaced.

For more information about our latest warehouse and forklift opportunities, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact Flexistaff on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

The do’s and don’ts of handing in your notice

It’s inevitable that once you’ve secured a brand new job you’ll have to hand in your notice to your current employer. People can find this difficult and sometimes don’t know the best way to go about this – take a look at our top tips below.

Speak to your employer face to face. If you don’t share the news face to face it can seem dismissive, so make sure you schedule time with your employer and deliver the news in person.

Offer your support. Your employer more than likely will need to hire a new person as your replacement, so where possible offer your help in the hiring and training process. Continue to support your colleagues and remain on task.

Be prepared for the counter offer. Your employer may ask you to stay, offering more money and better prospects. Consider this carefully; more often than not accepting a counter offer isn’t a good idea, so make sure you know what you want and how you will respond to this.

Keep it friendly. You never know if or when you might meet old colleagues or managers again throughout your career, so stay friendly and helpful during your last few weeks in employment – at the very least, your current employer will be asked for a reference!

For more advice on job seeking and to discuss our latest vacancies, or to find out how Flexistaff can support your business, contact Flexistaff 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

How to secure a top Christmas Temp Job

It’s that time of year! Well, nearly – but Christmas planning is starting early this year, and many employers are already recruiting for Christmas. Here’s how to make the most of your Christmas job search.

Start NOW! Yes, Christmas might seem ages away, especially if you still need to start your Christmas shopping, but now is the time to apply. Companies are hiring right now for Christmas temps so get yourself out there!

Flexibility is key. Christmas is a busy and demanding time for most organisations. Try to be as flexible as possible for potential new employers – You’ll find you’ll be snapped up in no time!

Pay attention to your application. A Christmas temp job might seem unimportant, but think of the possibilities – it could lead to something permanent in the new year! So make sure you spend time crafting and tailoring your application to each vacancy.

Not much experience? Christmas is a great time to apply for something temporary and get some experience in the world of work.

Be organised. Hiring for Christmas can be fast paced; bringing ID with you to an interview might be useful to a potential new employer. For more information about our latest vacancies, or to find out how we can support your business, contact Flexistaff on 0844 556 2916 or [email protected].

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